Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Let's Talk About Labels

I am sick and tired of going grocery shopping and getting glared at when I have to stop and read a label. I MAY NOT BE ABLE TO EAT IT! IT IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH! And no, I am not being overdramatic. Sure, my local grocery store, and workplace, label most things that are already labeled Gluten Free. But that doesn't mean they have labeled everything. Maybe I want to try a new soup and you haven't gotten around to labeling it, therefore I must read! What a concept!
But I'm polite. I pull my cart to the side, pick up what I need to read, look around me for anyone trying to look where I am standing, and move on with my business. It does not help that aisles in grocery stores suck. And my work stocks during the day, so there may be someone stocking and then there's me trying to read a label.
Everything would be a hell of a lot easier if all companies went through the process of labeling the allergens that are in their product. I know it may be a struggle, but so many people nowadays are not eating gluten, dairy, eggs, or nuts. Therefore, in order to raise sales, one should label their products. It's only common sense.
I honestly can't stand the fact that in this day and age, I need to read the labels. With so many people getting sick from certain foods, you think the FDA would come up with some guidelines for allergens.
This has been a rant about my Celiac Life.


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