Saturday, August 27, 2011

Last Monday...

I met Sutton Foster.
I just thought I would post this here.
I shall relive this moment for you all later on in a post on plan on writing Wednesday :)

Whaddup Irene??

This week has been a long one. Sort of. I mean, it was still a week in terms of 7 days, 168 hours,10,080 minutes, or 604,800 seconds. If you want to make the value of a week in terms of time. Or maybe money? In my case then, this week will be worth a lot. Hopefully.
Anyway! There really isn't much to post about because I have seriously been at work for most of the week. It has sucked. And it has been rewarding, all the same time. I have been exhausted every night, but for once, I am okay with that. I cannot wait for school to start.
Call me crazy. Go ahead. Okay good, now that that's out of the way, I can explain why.
I have always loved school. It sounds insane, but remember, even you said it, I'm crazy. When I was younger, I wanted to be a teacher, as most kids at the elementary school age wish to be. I even had a classroom. I did. My brother and sisters used to be my students, and even kids from around the neighborhood. But something happened in sixth grade. I tried out for the musical. It was the only chance you had in my town to be exposed to theater. The rest, is as they say, history.
Fast Forward to today. I was on my lunch break, a well earned one. Thank goodness I am good at biting my tongue. I checked my phone for texts (none, shocking), tweets ( loads) and voicemails. Woah. I had a voicmail?! Who is calling me! Yay!! It was the owner of the dance studio I shall be attending soon. I had a wonderful chat with him and I *officially* ( i think) start taking tap and jazz classes on Wednesday! I'm super excited!
Anyway. Now I just sit on my couch writing this. While preparing for Hurricane Irene. Oh wait. It's just gonna be a bunch of rain and super strong winds. That's my prediction. Yes, we're going to lose power, that I'm sure of. But the way people have been "preparing" for this, are ridiculous. It's super big storm warnings that make me hate my job. Nah Just kidding. It's some of the people.
I will continue to live in my penguin pajama pants (given to me by the best friend a girl could ask for. ) and eat trail mix until this "hurricane" passes.
School starts Wednesday
Dance starts Wednesday
Senior Year. 4 Days away.
Bring It.

Friday, August 12, 2011

This is going to be difficult.

For three years, marching band was life. It took over theatre, it took over my job. It was everything that I did. My grades began to drop, my job barely gave me hours, and the dream was not being focused on. That being said. Something had to go.
Unfortunately, it was marching band.
I feel as though a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Soon, hopefully, a new weight will be added with dance class and vocal lessons. But that is a burden I can handle. I wasn't focusing on my dream. It really hit me at rehearsal on Wednesday. When our drill instructor said "You're here because you want to be. You cant put marching band on your resume." And he's right. No one is going to care that I spent most of my high school life marching around playing an instrument I was not very good at. Colleges will care how well I can sing and dance. I have no training. That realization came to me in New York City this weekend. But more on that in a moment.
Band. I loved it Freshman and Sophomore year. But things were slowly declining. The quality of the band was becoming bland, the instructors were yelling more, you weren't allowed to have fun. If you risked having fun, you got yelled at. I was sick of it. Not to mention the people. I can't stand most of them. I know that is an awful thing to say, but it's true. I used to be so invested in the band. I was always there. It was the biggest commitment I had ever made. But all good things must come to an end.
So I quit. I turn in my uniform on Monday and then I'm done. I feel as though a part of me will be missing for quite some time, but it will get easier. I just don't want to be talked about. I really don't. I just feel as though I've let people down. But it's too late to change it. I don't want to change this decision either.
So on to my dream.
I want to be able to perform this.
Chorus or lead. I want to perform. I get the biggest adrenaline rush every time I'm on stage. I'm crazy. Most theatre people are crazy. I fit there. I'm not fit for marching band anymore.

On Sunday August 7, 2011 my mother trusted me and my good friend Kevin to go to New York City for the day all by ourselves :) I'm sure she was a nervous wreck all day but that's okay. She will get used to her baby being in NYC soon enough. We had a lovely time. TKTS in Times Square was a life saver. We were able to get Anything Goes tickets for 50% off! And they were amazing seats! Row 14 left orchestra, you can't really beat it! Then we had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square. It was really cool in there! Then we headed over to see the show and were blown away. Then of course we hit up the stage door! We met someone from California and she was pretty cool, we chatted at the door while waiting for the magical Sutton Foster. Who of course... did not come out :( But that's okay, I have a plan :D
Then we just kind of did a walking tour to find some theatres and see who was at other stage doors still. Then we went to a small diner and had dinner. And off to the bus we went. 2 hours into the 4 hour bus ride, the bus broke down. Awesome. It was absolutely awful, and I was terrified because we were on the side of the highway and giant tractor trailers kept driving by and shaking the bus. Sweet... Finally we got on a replacement bus and were homeward bound. We finally arrived in Boston at 3 am. Longest day of my life. Did I mention we took a 6am bus TO New York? Well, ya. We did. I slept from 3:30am- 3:30pm on Monday. My sleeping pattern was a bit messed up for the next few days. Thanks to sleeping pills and my comfy pillows, I am back to semi-normal. Because, let's face it, I will never be normal...
Here are some pictures from NYC!
Then I will be on another small hiatus seeing as I am going on a much needed vacation next week. But I will bring back lots of stories!
Times Square!!

 Daniel Radcliffe looking adorable in Times Square!

Kevin at the Hard Rock Cafe!

Anything Goes!

As close as we got to Sutton :/


Kevin's first Broadway stage door!

Laura Osnes and I! She made a wonderful Hope Harcourt. 

Josh Franklin and I. Yum :P

So until I can write again, love you all!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Wednesdays are exhausting. I have band rehearsal. But since my life isn't back into the schedule it usually is, I'm exhausted. Sure I get tired in the school year, but I don't have time to be tired. Oh I know! Let me take you through a typical day during the school year. With my Senior classes :) ( assuming these are still them)
6-6:30 am ~ Wake up
7:10 am ~ Leave for school.
7:30 - 9:00 am ~ Independent Study in Theatre
9:05 - 10:35 am ~ AP Psych
10:40 - 11:05 am ~ Lunch
11:05 - 12:35 pm  ~ Physics
12:40 - 2:10 pm ~ Band
3:00 - 5:45 pm ~ Actors' Guild
6:00 - 9:00 pm ~ Band Rehearsal
9:30 - whenever o'clock ~ Homework.

I need my life to be that busy again. When things were that busy I had no time to think, I just had to do. This post really isn't much but that's because nothing has happened. All that has happened recently is that I've changed my life. I've changed who I am friends with and it was for the best reasons. Even if they never understand, that's their loss. And I just don't care anymore.
Until next time, Peace Out!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Pizza Muffins

When I woke up this morning, I had no recipe to give you. I had no exciting meal tip, or food related adventure to talk about. I knew I had to have one by the time I left work.
That didn't happen.
But when I came home and began surfing the web to find a recipe to alter for you all, I stumbled, first, upon this. Awesome. A baker who is my age that I can alter recipes and give credit to. Okay, so those aren't exactly the words that ran through my head, but essentially, that's what happened. I saw a recipe she had for Pizza Muffins. I was instantly intrigued. I love pizza and it is so difficult to find a good pizza. So you have to make it of course. So there is her recipe and mine is not much different. I just substituted the whole wheat flour for Bisquick Gluten-Free Baking mix. So simple.
Here's how mine turned out!

Dinner is served:

They were really something! 
Upon further searching I found out that this recipe actually came from this blog. Check it out. It is amazing. I spent a good portion of the afternoon bookmarking recipes I want to try! I will let her amazing biography tell you all about her.
I truly love helping people. I hope that one day, I can. 
That's all I have for you tonight. 
Until next time, good night <3