Saturday, August 27, 2011

Whaddup Irene??

This week has been a long one. Sort of. I mean, it was still a week in terms of 7 days, 168 hours,10,080 minutes, or 604,800 seconds. If you want to make the value of a week in terms of time. Or maybe money? In my case then, this week will be worth a lot. Hopefully.
Anyway! There really isn't much to post about because I have seriously been at work for most of the week. It has sucked. And it has been rewarding, all the same time. I have been exhausted every night, but for once, I am okay with that. I cannot wait for school to start.
Call me crazy. Go ahead. Okay good, now that that's out of the way, I can explain why.
I have always loved school. It sounds insane, but remember, even you said it, I'm crazy. When I was younger, I wanted to be a teacher, as most kids at the elementary school age wish to be. I even had a classroom. I did. My brother and sisters used to be my students, and even kids from around the neighborhood. But something happened in sixth grade. I tried out for the musical. It was the only chance you had in my town to be exposed to theater. The rest, is as they say, history.
Fast Forward to today. I was on my lunch break, a well earned one. Thank goodness I am good at biting my tongue. I checked my phone for texts (none, shocking), tweets ( loads) and voicemails. Woah. I had a voicmail?! Who is calling me! Yay!! It was the owner of the dance studio I shall be attending soon. I had a wonderful chat with him and I *officially* ( i think) start taking tap and jazz classes on Wednesday! I'm super excited!
Anyway. Now I just sit on my couch writing this. While preparing for Hurricane Irene. Oh wait. It's just gonna be a bunch of rain and super strong winds. That's my prediction. Yes, we're going to lose power, that I'm sure of. But the way people have been "preparing" for this, are ridiculous. It's super big storm warnings that make me hate my job. Nah Just kidding. It's some of the people.
I will continue to live in my penguin pajama pants (given to me by the best friend a girl could ask for. ) and eat trail mix until this "hurricane" passes.
School starts Wednesday
Dance starts Wednesday
Senior Year. 4 Days away.
Bring It.


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