Monday, July 25, 2011


Let me go on the record right now as saying... I absolutely love Crepes.
Yes, they are just flat little pancakes, but I adore them. I love making them. I love serving them. I love them. Needless to say, I have eaten 5 in the past 24 hours. Not too bad, but the fact that I filled 3 of them with Nutella and bananas, 1 of them with Nutella, and 1 of them with chicken and cheese... let's just say, I should probably go to the gym.
Now, before being diagnosed I would rarely eat crepes. Sure I would make them occasionally and fill them with something sweet for dessert, but lately, they have crept into my diet more and more. It is not a bad thing, unless you count the calories and such. But who's really counting that when you already can't eat a large amount of things? Not me.
I found my basic crepe recipe about 3 years ago. I found it somewhere online. I truly can not remember. But I am assuming that a crepe recipe is a crepe recipe and I altered this gluten-filled one to a gluten-free lifestyle :)
It is as follows:
1 cup of gluten-free flour ( I tend to use Bisquick Gluten-Free baking mix)
1/2 cup of milk
1/2 cup of water
2 eggs
1/4 tsp of salt

1) Combine ingredients.
2)Heat skillet and melt butter in skillet.
3) Pour enough batter to cover the bottom of the skillet.
4) Wait until you can see bubbles.
5) Flip!( the fun part if you get really good)
6) Allow other side to cook.
7) Viola! A crepe.

This recipe usually makes about 4 crepes in my small skillet pan. I usually cut the recipe in half seeing as I am the only one in my household who likes crepes. It is such a shame. But it wasn't until this morning that I realized how easy they make breakfast for me.
I was rushing, once again, to get to work on time. Mind you I woke up at 8am for my 9am shift. I needed some sort of food in my stomach. I am not a pleasant person when kept hungry. I remembered I had leftover batter from last night in the fridge ( It keeps well for a few days) Perfect. One banana left, a large jar of Nutella to still finish and away I went. I had enough batter to make two, but time to eat one. Hmm... I didn't care. If my boss got mad, so be it. I needed nourishment. I successfully made one crepe. Doing my thing, flipping it a few times in the pan all whilst watching the clock. Time for number two. Oops... I guess I had too much batter. I attempted to drain the little bit of batter into the trash. All was going well... until the crepe fell into the garbage can. I was devastated and contemplated picking it up. But I didn't. My love of crepes tried to get a hold of me, but that did not happen. That would have been nasty. So I settled for the one crepe and some orange juice.
That was my breakfast. Yum :)
Lunch was a salad with Ceaser salad dressing, watermelon, fruit punch, and a Snickers bar.
In between work and dinner snack was yet another crepe with Nutella and one with chicken and cheese.
Dinner was pork, mashed potatoes, and corn. Not exciting, but delicious.
Mealtime Monday... I like sound of it.
Bring it on.


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